I know what you are thinking, a DAY? No way! well, yes way! :)
Stays are traditionally one of the hardest things for a lady to make. Lets face it, we are all shaped different and all have different levels of skills. Even for the well versed dressmaker, sometimes stays can be something that is daunting.
I'll admit, the first set of stays I ever made were a disaster, and as I made seconds and third attempts, they got better and better. Now, I am no where near an A+ in some ways, in others, I don't mind saying, I'm worth every penny. How do I know? Well, first...my last post on stays continues to get more hits than any other and because I have successfully gotten the "assets" of the ladies who have purchased Stays from me to the proper regency silhouette, which when we get down to the nitty gritty, really is the whole point.
Now, I primarily cater to the Plus Size women, as it is harder for them to go on say, Etsy and order something pre-made in their size and, and I have to say, every shape is quite lovely and a unique challenge.
So, back to Stays in a Day. Start was around 3:30pm after my customer had come down from Seattle and we had spent quality time drooling over her sari fabric. (I stole some so I could make a regency gown for her out of it)
We started by getting her into a set of stays of mine to see how I might need to make adjustments to the pattern. (they are my favorite set, btw.)
They just needed a few tweeks and some different bone placement, so I cut pieces and went for it.
About 6 hours in...I had three layers sewn together and half the boning in.
We broke for dinner at Cartlandia (yes, I'm a gastronomically spoiled Portlander) and than we got back to it.
Rest of the bones and the binding going...we were almost done.
Note that the cups protrude a bit, that is because unlike myself.. this customer has more to work with and needs to be properly formed. She also chose the fashion fabric as she loved it. It looks brown in the pictures, but its really purple. This wont be a problem as most of her wardrobe are jewel tones and dark colors.
I know, you are wondering where the straps are? Well, Straps have been and can be put on in a few ways. She wanted more adjustability in straps that are ties on both front and back.
It was perfect.
Yes, the back is spiral laced, which is both crazy comfortable and period correct.
We were done and she was on her way home around 1:30. I was bushed, but it was worth it. Happy Lady, happy assets and I know she will look amazing in her regency finest at the Washington Regency Society Retreat. :)
Another set of Stays I have finished were completely different, as the ladies in question were completely different.
These work the same just on a different shaped lady. She looked lovely in this gown I made for her
Yes, Indian Cotton of Drool. I know. ebay ladies, ebay.
Well, there is more in the works right now, including gown for an 11 year old lady who isn't quite "out" yet, but will be attending the
ORS 6th Annual Pittock Mansion Picnic, plus a rush order on a white silk halter dress and a pair of fall front pants I have neglecting....and than MORE TO COME since the REGENCY RETREAT OF EPIC is closing in!
Mrs. Azevedo, Modiste and A Baronets' Daughter.