Hi everyone! As most of you may know, On 05/16/2015, my husband and I were in a major car accident.
Here are the details as on the ORS page
But, I am happy to say, that a year later, all my bones have healed and the rest is still on its way, and I have started the process of being in the studio, sewing things, and planning and going to events. I am still not 100%, but I am well on the way. Thank you for all the love and support that this last year has showed me of all of you in our Regency Enthusiasts society. It has helped me heal more than I can express.
So, onto PRETTIES! While in the hospital, I dreamed of the things I would make, and worried about the commissions I had waiting for me, and while the commissions are first to be completed (quite overdue, and the people who have them ordered really are some of the most forbearing and understanding people) I have been relearning and perfecting the skills that a year of recovery had made rusty, so here are some pics. Please enjoy and know that I will try very hard to update this blog again as new things are made.
My last surgery for my ileostomy reversal, Dec 2015 |
The "Board of Directors", .Sammy, Wendy and Brittany Fosberg with me. |
On the way to the ORS retreat in Oct 2015, With Mrs. Geis and Hungarican Chick, Mrs. Johanesen |
having lost over 125 lbs from this odyssey, I can sit on my Reeties lap!!! WINNING! |
Met my new Niece Kara with my SIL Michelle and my sweet husband. Yes, we flew to Alabama |
Mrs. Roll, Mrs. Pasco and myself at the Tokeland Hotel, Tokeland WA with the WRS |
Mrs. Gentry and I enjoying the view at The Tokeland Hotel, Tokeland Wa |
my first gown hand sewn since the accident. Tea with Mrs. Smedley |
unintentional action shot at Newport OR for Topsails. New stays made me a happy happy lady |
That is all for now. I shall post pictures of the new stays. I have had to make new things slowly for me as my other gowns do no fit any more. Sigh, there are worst things to have to do. I am happy to be able to update you, and when I get my commissions finished and delivered, I shall share pics with the world.
Till then, I bid you adieu.
Mrs. Azevedo, Countess of Jersey and A Baronets Daughter.